Welcome to this blog. . .

Welcome to this blog made from my blog-type thoughts as Director of Religious Education, or DRE, at the Unitarian Church of Montreal. They are excerpted from the weekly letters I send to all families and helpers in our RE (or Religious Ed) program. If you would like to be put on the e-mailing list for this letter, usually over half full of reminders and announcements, questions and quotes, with occasional thoughtful paragraphs, please contact dre@ucmtl.ca

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


You will find me here most Thursdays, from 5:30-6:30 pm, Newman Centre, 3484 Peel St., in the second floor library, or Ryan Room.

As many of my UU friends know, I am an active member of the Society of Friends, or Quakers, and my home Meeting is in Ottawa.  However, from my early days of employment as a Director of Religious Education,  I have called myself a "Quakertarian," because I feel very comfortable with UU principles and practices, and I very much enjoy Sunday or other UU services. 
Of course, working as I do -- with great pleasure! -- on Sunday mornings (currently at the Unitarian Church of Montreal), I don't get to Sunday "meeting for worship" -- as a Quaker "service" is called -- very often. So over the years that I have been a DRE, I have found various ways to give myself  "sabbath time" for rest and renewal.
This year, to my great delight, a loose group of Montrealers with Quaker connections, under the care of Montreal Friends Meeting, have been working to initiate a mid-week Quaker "meeting for worship"at McGill.  We began last Thursday, September 25th, at 5:30 pm, with the door closing around 5:45, after spending the first l5 minutes settling into the room, our circle of chairs, and the silence.  We "broke worship" at 6:30 with the usual Quaker handshake, but kept holding hands as we sang "Tis A Gift To Be Simple," and then shared a bit about who we are and what our Quaker experiences have been.
We plan to meet weekly, with once a month special sessions for newcomers (though all of the meetings will be friendly to newcomers).  Please drop in to join us, and see if the hour of worship feeds your inner being as it does mine!  Depending on what Quakers would call the movement of the Spirit amongst us, the time together may be wholly one of silent seeking, or one, two or even a few people may "give ministry" or speak from their hearts into the silence.  All are welcome!
Meeting is held in the Ryan room (the library) on the second floor of the Newman Centre, 3484 Peel St., north of Sherbrooke.
 (Go in the main entrance to Newman Centre, which faces south, straight up the stairs, and the Ryan room is at the end of the hall, facing Peel).

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